Truth and transparency is the only way that trust can be built in a modern community, we would welcome you to join us by following the oureye blog. There is a trend towards a smaller specialised trusted group or niche type communities, here the trend can be followed,questioned and truth can be offered and discussed.
Unravelling what has happened
Most people feel that their community is being eroded and will disappear forever, as traditions and localisms are wiped away. Local history is dying with the passing of each generation. Newcomers arrive into large often faceless developments which are forced into existence by government bureaucrats in distant offices.
You Have A Voice
You and your community have a voice and this must be heard. Your local town councillor should represent you and act for you and in turn you are able to follow their discussions and actions in the Town Council in person at meetings or online via the council website.
Their questions and answers offered in council committee meetings should be recorded in the minutes and these in turn placed on the website for the whole community to access. Members of public have the right to attend all council meetings held in public.
At the meetings councillors can be held accountable for their action by the public asking questions in the public section of the meeting. Members of the public can also raise issues or concerns that affect them directly or the area they live,raise awareness of upcoming events and also ask for public meetings for the high profile deliberations the council are contemplating.Each month with the exception of August the council holds a full council meeting, where the individual committees will report all activity to the councillors. Any matters from the committees that have been passed that month for full council to take a vote on will be placed before full council for discussion, each Councilor can vote three ways on any motion,for, against or abstain, this vote should be in the communities interest with residents views taken into consideration.All council business matters for that month should also be conducted at this meeting.